Seattle Pacific University                                                                         Spring 2019
School of Business, Government, and Economics                                                                     


Nine Lectures:  Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, March 25 to April 12.

CRN 46536 8:00-9:20 AM in McKenna 113. 

CRN 47699 9:30-10:50 AM in McKenna 113.
MOS 77-727 exams:  MOS exams are scheduled in McKenna 113 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings between April 17 and May 31 as shown on this
Lecture and Exam Calendar 


Take time to review the online GMetrix sample exams and projects. A username and password will be emailed to you.  These practice exams are available on computers in the McKenna Lounge and Collaboration Lab, on Library Lab computers, and in McKenna 113.

The software to run these practice exams can be downloaded for free from GMetrix onto computers running the Windows operating system. 


Recommended YouTube videos on Excel

Hun Kim, Bill Jelen - "Mr. Excel", Excel Is Fun, Simon Sez IT: Excel 2016, and especially Brendan Sinclair

Learn about digital badges.