From the 1st to the 17th, Jean played the drunk butler Stephano in Shakespeare's The Tempest. It was hard for me to catch all of the complex
dialog, but by the end of
After Christmas, she'll fly off to
Massachusetts for Her last day of employment at Bellevue Presbyterian will be November 15th. |
Bits and Pieces
Elizabeth Jorgenson's last day was be September 1st. Then the top
two candidates for that position turned us down. As autumn quarter
begins, our search has been restarted, and I am the school's interim
point person serving undergraduates.
♦ At the start of
autumn quarter, Nathanael gave us the news that his studies at SPU have
ended. While he enjoyed his actual student teaching last year, his
coursework did not come up to their standards. He is now free to
seek employment more broadly than as a school teacher.
♦ Mid-month,
I went to cash. That is, I sold two mutual funds at Charles
Schwab. My account there (over $40,000) was up 55% since 2015, but
I've had a bad feeling about the market in October. This is apart
from funds I have at Oppenheimer and nearly $500,000 with TIAA, the last
very conservatively invested. Maybe I'm no financial prophet
— but we'll soon see.
♦ My
month-long experiment with weekly injections of Bydureon did not have
the desired impact on my Diabetes so that ended after five Monday night
shots with big needles. That has been replaced by nightly
injections of Insulin with smaller needles. It's a challenge to
look down at my chubby middle and insert a thin needle.
Appointments with Dr. Escandari are monthly for now.
♦ I got my annual
flu shot on the 26th at SPU. I can't remember the last time I had
the flu. The one day I took a "sick day" earlier this year was due
to exhaustion.
My first class of BUS 1700 this quarter made me feel like I'd made the
right decision to back away from sports photography and to more fully
embrace my day job — even if I'm teaching on Monday and Wednesday
nights. Not only did the two hour lecture go especially well, but
one student, freshman Elliot Flett, told me his mother had been in my
MBA class when I filled in for an ailing professor. That would
have been BUS 6171 in Spring 2004. He said she remembered me as a
great teacher. Maybe so. I see I gave her an A-.
Is it any wonder my wine of choice is Pinot Noir! (My latest
concoction is 2 oz. Pinot Noir and 4 oz. sugar free punch.) NOIR!
In Statistics, those letters stand for Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and
Ratio — the four number types Statisticians work with.
The fact is, I drink alcohol very infrequently.
I'm publishing this on Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement.
It is a day when Psalm 27 is read. When a hundred acquaintances
speak well of you, but one attacks without cause, it feels like the
majority has turned on you. (That happened this week.) But when I read
Psalm 27, I hear God say, "Just wait . . . I got this."
Teach me Your way, O LORD, and lead me in a level path because of my
At this point, I'm making a poorly educated guess. But one word
describes my sore leg muscles, right shoulder, left hand, sleep issues,
and fatigue. You read it here first (and I hope I'm totally wrong)
On September 30th, the Saturday Morning Men's Bible Study covered Acts
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