BANNER - Bellevue 2008
The Journal of Dr. Richard L. Sleight
May 2011


Bellevue Christian High School
Parents of the Year Award

Selected by the High School Faculty

To the parents who have encouraged the faculty
throughout this year by being examples of faithful living

Richard and Nancy Sleight

  God is not unjust; He will not forget your work
and the love you have shown Him as you have
helped His people and continue to help them. 
Hebrews 6:10 NIV

This item was in the BCS awards night program.  Some suspicious emails the week before from the school, pointedly requesting our attendance, tipped me off to this possibility.  But a peek at the program when I sat in my chair at First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue confirmed my prediction.

Our friend Ed Sloan, Cross Country and Track & Field coach, made the presentation.  He spoke of how we had supported BCS for ten years.  First, he cited my tireless efforts as team photographer, including the most recent State championships at Eastern Washington University. 
He also spoke of Nancy's important work with the Mathematics curriculum review and her faithful participation with the Moms-in-Touch prayer ministry for the students and school.  He could have said much more about Nancy.  We were certainly humbled if not completely surprised.  Such honors are rare in adult life.  More than one member of the faculty remarked to us afterwards that their vote had been unanimous. I'm glad I wore a tie.

Jean Receives Senior Honors

On Tuesday night, May 31st, we attended our tenth Bellevue Christian School honors night awards ceremony.  It has always been an evening for parents to revel in the achievements of our children.  And Jean made us as proud as ever.

She was listed often in the program, being recognized for these "Department Awards."

Regional Solo/Ensemble Festival - Large Women's Ensemble: 1st Alternate (for her membership in Bella Voce).

Theatre Department: Contribution to Theatre Arts

Visual & Technical Arts: Video Production


Washington State Math Competition - State Participant;
1st Place, Team Problem; 2nd Place, Topical Team.

She was also listed for these honors.

National Honor Society

Senior Honors:
     President's Award for Educational Excellence
     Washington State Honor Award

National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Student

AP Scholar

BCS High Honor Roll

And finally her SPU scholarships were listed:
     Trustees' Scholar Award - $14,000;
     Alumni Scholarship - $1,500

Nathanael Races at GNAC

Nate had a great Track season, but he needed the grace of his coaches rather than his legs to get him to the GNAC Championships at Western Oregon University in Monmouth.

His 800m time of 1:58.63 only placed him 34th in GNAC.  (The conference provisional qualifying mark was set at 1:57.40 this season.)  And his 4:09.46 was good for only 42nd in the league.   

Yet, Nathanael still made the Oregon trip and ran the anchor leg on SPU's 4x400m relay team.  The team of Dustin Bratten, Nathan Seeley, Ryan Endresen, and Nathanael ran a 3:30.12.

So Nathanael's streak is intact.  He has run in the GNAC Conference Championships nine out of nine seasons.

Next up, his final season of Cross Country.

Annie Finishes Out the Year for Mr. Berg

Annie has been teaching regularly at BCS as a substitute all year.  Mrs. Grambush (Art) always asked for Annie.  And she was scheduled to cover for Ed Sloan in junior high Science when he went off to the State track meet.  But before that, BCS told her that Mr. Kent Berg (junior high Social Studies), was ill and asked if she could finish out the year as the teacher of his class?  She gave it some thought and then agreed. 

The next week, a mother stopped Nancy up at the school and said, "My daughter just loves your class, Mrs. Sleight."  Nancy was happy to correct her that it was Miss Sleight, her daughter Annie.

Coincidentally, on June 4th, Annie is scheduled to take the State of Washington exam that would add middle school Humanities to her teaching credentials.  Perhaps God is orchestrating something different for Annie.

At least one teacher at BCS says Annie should press on to teach at the  college level.  But I know she's great with kids, and surely God is well aware of where He wants to deploy His servant Annie.

Jeannie Beth,
Stage Manager
for Godspell

Jean showed a lot of character and wisdom when she didn't get a call back after her audition for a part the in BCS spring musical Godspell.  She was understandably sad at not getting an acting/singing/dancing part in this amazing musical.  But when offered the job as Stage Manager, she gave it some thought then accepted.  She reasoned correctly that this was a side of theatre about which she also needed experience.  And, no doubt, this task also helped her earn the Theatre Department award mentioned above. 

The musical itself was beautifully sung, well acted, and a great audience experience.



BCS Girls Three-peat as
State Track & Field Champions

Again this year, the BCS girls team won the WIAA 1A State championship.  I was there, again on behalf of the Bellevue Reporter newspaper, to record the action.  We had wild weather on Friday and a beautiful day on Saturday.  On Memorial Day, I sent my pictures and some story ideas to the paper and by Tuesday the 31st the story was online.

BCS took 21 athletes to State this year, 11 boys and 10 girls.  But it was the five scoring girls that earned 61 points (19 by an ill Mackenzie Altig) to beat archrival and runner up King's who scored 49.







At the honors night event, Grandma Ginger asked me (again) if this would mark the end of my picture taking for Bellevue Christian.  She is concerned about what a big commitment it is.  But I gave her the same response I always give.  I'll keep doing it until God convinces me that He has other orders for me.  There's no doubt that the parents and coaches think this is God's work. 
I, however, often wonder.


Thoughts on the Death of Osama

Annie called out, "Dad, check the Drudge Report! They got bin Laden!"  My reaction to the news was muted.  While patriots ecstatically celebrated in New York, Washington, D.C., and elsewhere, I only registered mild pleasure.  I understood the manic celebration elsewhere, but my thoughts were far form "joyful."  Little had actually changed, and God is clear in His opinion.

"Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall.  Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, O house of Israel?  For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live!   Ezek 18:30-32

"Son of man, say to the house of Israel, `This is what you are saying: "Our offenses and sins weigh us down, and we are wasting away because of them. How then can we live?" ' Say to them, `As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, O house of Israel?'   Ezek 33:10-11

Another Lens! 

Nikon AF Nikkor
28-70mm 3.5-4.5D

Often I've wished I could get a close-up lens to add a new dimension to my photography.  Every time I priced these lenses, including on eBay, I balked at the price of over $500.  But then I discovered the older 28-70mm.  These were discontinued in 1999 but work well with the better newer cameras.  My first shots of silver dimes showed me this $99 eBay purchase could do the job.  I look forward to playing with this new toy.



Bits and Pieces

Thomas is taking a 12-credit TESOL certificate class in May.  So far, I have paid for this, but I expect Annie will reimburse me.  The Seattle University Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages at Seattle's "The School of Teaching ESL."

    We helped Tom move out of his apartment near SPU and installed him as the house-sitter at 7565 46th Ave SW.  We also helped Randy move to his new apartment in Everett.

    Nathanael made the reluctant decision to complete his degrees apart from the SPU University Scholars program.  He did not complete the final course.  Most of his University Scholars courses satisfy his general education requirements, and now he will pick up on additional social science course instead of tackling a year-long honors project.  Sounds like a good call to me.

    Jean was on the waiting list for joining the University Scholars program herself -- and a spot opened up.  So she will be taking USCH 1000 University Scholars Seminar, FRE 1101 Elementary French I, CSC 1230 Problem Solving & Programming, and MUS 2305 Women's Choir her first quarter at SPU.

My Quote from April


"The time is coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. 32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them," declares the LORD. 33 "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declares the LORD."I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.   34 No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, `Know the LORD, 'because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD."For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."     — Jeremiah 31:31-34

This is about the best news (the good news) to be found in the Old Testament. (Our Saturday morning study through Jeremiah, begun in January, will conclude at the end of June.)

A new TV — Finally!
I bought my 19" Sony Trinitron TV the year the Seattle Sonics won the NBA championship, in 1979.  And back in 1993 we had cabinets built for our family room to include a large TV.  Large front speakers and smaller back speakers were installed, but no TV was purchased.

Finally, this month we bought a 50" LG plasma TV.  This was matched with a new Yamaha AV Receiver and Yamaha Blu-ray player.  I bought Polk Audio center and subwoofer speakers from to complete the 5.1 sound system (and it is amazing!)  I watched one of my favorite sci-fi movies, Serenity, to test it out.  With the family, we watched Toy Story 3 (I cried throughout), and even Nancy admitted that it was a good decision to finally upgrade.

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