There is talk of holding both the Fourth of July picnic and the family Thanksgiving dinner in Berrydale instead of Redmond or Bellevue. We also had birthday parties at the Sitte home for Jonny and Thomas. Here is Thomas wearing his New York City Tartan Utility Kilt, a gift from Annie. We got Jonny a shovel and a garden trowel. Jean was very pleased with the knife block we gave her as a house warming gift. |
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Father's Day was a lot of work until it wasn't. Nathanael and Cynthia brought the boys, and I had my first extended time with Reuben. He's really moved past the baby stage to the toddler one. He looks more like brother Jonny now. (In this photo [left], I was surprised to see how my 1992 Melanoma scar is still so visible.) Joel and Jean joined via Zoom. We opened Father's Day cards, and Julie brought another tasty cake. Reuben actually helped me cut it. I'd forgotten that Uncle Jack's big leather chair was a rocker. Reu was happy to nap while I rocked, just as Jonny had done a few years earlier. When they played in the wagon, Charis held onto Reuben, since he had fallen out the last time these three played with it. There'll be few babysitters for these kids while grandparents are available. A few days later, I spent the morning with the boys in Auburn. Jonny was giddy to see me, and finally Reuben seems to like me too. |
Guppy Grass and small Mystery snails were purchase off of eBay and were added to my three tanks in the basement toward the end of this month. I wanted this plant because it, like the Java Moss purchased originally, should be just right if and when I try to breed my White Clouds, Endler's, or other fish. Joel drove me to the Aquarium Co-Op in Edmonds the day he picked up his new Tesla and bought me ten Cherry Barbs (except they gave me 11). The two smaller males are especially interested in the nine larger and less colorful females (left). I like those odds, even if the males will become the bright red ones in time. I moved the large goldfish back outside to his 25 gallon hexagonal tank to make room for these new fish in the 29 gallon tank. (Then I brought him back downstairs and put him in the 20 gallon due to the heat wave.) Later, I added a single male Dwarf Gourami (right) from PetSmart to join the Cherry Barbs. I named him Frank after Frank Sinatra. (I've been listening to KIXI 880AM recently.) Alas, Frank must have brought a bug with him from the store. He did not last the month. Even so, photographing fish is fun and a unique challenge that's an added bonus. | |||||
The 104 degree day on Sunday the 27th encouraged us all to go up to Susan's air-conditioned house. Little did I know that this was the perfect ploy to get me up there without suspecting a thing. The Sleights, Dishers, Sittes, and Pastricks were all there with my grandchildren (and two pending grandchildren.) Julie Adams, Susan, Randy, and David and Heidi James also enjoyed lunch and cake. The spice cake with Penuche frosting, my favorite made by Jean, was a hit. Many had not had that combination which is a long-time Sleight family favorite. Rueben Sleight has been walking for a while, and I was delighted to see Corvin Pastrick also walking. Every family event and holiday now is a happy baby and toddler party. |
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Jean is justifiably proud of her baby bump. I had too much of the cake, but still, when offered the final piece, I gave it to Thomas. My summer 2021 diet will be successful just as my diet in autumn 1999 was, because the discipline comes from different motivations. And my duties at SPU have ended so my daily stress roller-coaster should glide to a stop.
— Proverbs 17:6 NASB |
I guess I've been thinking of this day since my first student assistant at SPU, the gorgeous (and loyal) Becca Sjolund (1991-1994), introduced me to Country music. I'm sure I first heard the 1988 Kathy Mattea song Eighteen Wheels And A Dozen Roses during those first four years in the business school. Eighteen wheels and a dozen roses |
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