♦ Father's Day provided a chance to get a picture with my "two sons and three daughters." We included Thomas in the celebration as we counted this as his first Father's day.♦ I covered Acts 1:1 to Acts 4:22 in my first five of ten lessons at Emerald Heights Retirement Community on Thursday mornings. These hour-long presentations are again being well received. ♦ Dr. Kelley wants me to see Dr. Eskandari again. I've struggled to get my blood sugar numbers down. Although it's clear that careful diet and serious exercise is key to success here. ♦ After regular reminders from Annie, I purchased my "Interagency Senior Pass" (which replaced the Golden Age Passport ten years ago.) I got it on the 29th at the flagship REI store in Seattle. They have their own National Park Service Ranger Station! On the way home on the bus I recalled how we managed to travel with a grandparent so we could get into National Parks for free. At 62, I apparently have now gained that family role. ♦ My contract for 2017-18, received on the 30th, places my base gross salary at $68,712. Payments for teaching BUS 1700 will raise that to over $72,300. My dean is off to his home in New Zealand, but when he returns on July 19th, I must review a new job description with him that I have been asked to prepare for myself. My current job description is over 17 years old, and my responsibilities have evolved as technology and my teaching assignments have changed. ♦ At the BCS Track & Field end-of-season dessert on June 9th, I was especially well thanked. I do expect to keep taking sports photos for them, but am unsure how much effort I will continue to give to this. The fine plaque the Athletic Director Mark DeJonge presented me with implied I was completely done. I know I left them with that impression in May, but my heart and head continue at odds. ♦ I learned this month that Dr. Doug Downing, Associate Professor of Economics will be retiring in June 2018. He is three years my junior. Then on the last day of this month, I learned that Dr. Dan Hess, Professor of Finance, has announced his retirement for March 2019. I created this chart especially to highlight the "peloton" of seven faculty members around my age. Today, I hope to retire in the summer of 2024, after 35 years at SPU and at the age of 69 — if God and my health allows. ♦ One of our graduating students, a double major in Economics and Political Science, left this note for me. "Dr. Sleight — I just wanted to say thank you for letting me use your study area and for supporting so many students. Your Excel class I took 2 years ago has been the most useful class I have had. Thank you for always being there to answer a question. God bless, Daniel Fenlason"
I met Daniel's parents at the post-Ivy Cutting
party. They are from Alaska.
My Quote from June
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