♦ Father's Day provided a chance to get a picture with my "two sons and three daughters." We included Thomas in the celebration as we counted this as his first Father's day.♦ I covered Acts 1:1 to Acts 4:22 in my first five of ten lessons at Emerald Heights Retirement Community on Thursday mornings. These hour-long presentations are again being well received. ♦ Dr. Kelley wants me to see Dr. Eskandari again. I've struggled to get my blood sugar numbers down. Although it's clear that careful diet and serious exercise is key to success here.
♦ My contract for 2017-18, received on the 30th, places my base gross salary at $68,712. Payments for teaching BUS 1700 will raise that to over $72,300. My dean is off to his home in New Zealand, but when he returns on July 19th, I must review a new job description with him that I have been asked to prepare for myself. My current job description is over 17 years old, and my responsibilities have evolved as technology and my teaching assignments have changed.
One of our graduating students, a double major in Economics and
Political Science, left this note for me.
I met Daniel's parents at the post-Ivy Cutting
party. They are from Alaska.
My Quote from June
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