The Journal of Dr. Richard L.
Sleight |
2008 EDITION |
Weight change in
June, 199 to 201

Class of 2008
Moves On
At the annual
Junior-Senior banquet, Nathanael was chosen as "Most Likely to
Break a World Record." His graduation on June 19th was
festive. He "walked" wearing his honor chords and his Army
Reserve National Scholar Athlete award medal. His final
high school GPA turned out to be 3.86. Not bad for a kid
the school wasn't sure they wanted five years ago. |
and Jeannie Earn Track & Field Honors
received his ninth varsity sports letter at the BCS Track &
Field banquet on June 5th. He was also voted "Most
Inspirational" from the distance men.
When the seniors
were introduced, the distance coach Rachel Huey spoke about
Nathanael. Then head coach Ed Sloan added his comments and
finally even Sonja Bennett the javelin and high jump coach
spoke of her memories of Nate in 9th grade PE class. He
has left his mark on BCS sports. |

And although Jeannie had a season shortened by drama, she also
received a varsity letter in Track & Field. I received my
second varsity letter after Cross Country in my junior year and
J.B. has two as a freshman.
Nancy's videos of
the season played for 35 minutes while folks ate and then my
PowerPoint show played during the long awards portion of the
evening. We also provided photos of all of the team
members as table decorations. At the outset of the awards,
I was given a standing ovation by the athletes and parents.
It was quite a surprise. And toward the end of the evening
both Nancy and I were invited up to receive a gift, a framed set
of photographs of us at Track meets. A $300 check arrived
a few days later from our "fans." We provide a completely
unique service as team photographers.
It wasn't until
the end of June that I was able to complete the online 2008
Brooks Meet of Champions web page. And I still have projects for
individual athletes from both Wrestling and Track to complete
over the summer. |
Jeannie Beth and
Nathanael Earn Academic Honors
On June 3rd,
both Nate and Jeannie received numerous awards at the annual BCS
Honors Night event held at First Presbyterian Church. They
kept up the standard established by top scholar Annie.
Department Awards: Mathematics, Social Studies, Art,
Bible. Other honors: United States Army
Reserve National Scholar Athlete Award, National Honor Society,
State Math Contest participant, High Honor Roll, Multi-Sport
Department Awards: Mathematics, Spanish, English.
Other honors: Top Scholar (freshman class), State Math
Contest participant, High Honor Roll, Multi-Sport Award.
Turned 88 on
Flag Day
I put on a barbeque on Mom's birthday and it was attended by my
five, Don, Randy, Dad, Mitsuko, and Ginger Rutherford.
We had burgers and
hot dogs and salad and etc. plus a big COSTCO cake for Mom.
She seemed to really enjoy the day and the presents. She wanted
to open the sugar-free caramel topping right away!
Annie gave her a
jig-saw puzzle book that she'd brought home from England, and we
gave her sugar-free candy and other items. Ginger brought
a card. And God provided a suddenly sunny day! |
My Quote from June

O, my black soul, now thou art summoned
By sickness, Death's herald and champion;
Thou'rt like a pilgrim, which abroad hath
Treason, and durst not turn to whence he's
Or like a thief, which till death's doom be
Wisheth himself deliver'd from prison,
But damn'd and haled to execution,
Wisheth that still he might be imprisoned.
Yet grace, if thou repent, thou canst not
But who shall give thee that grace to begin?
O, make thyself with holy mourning black,
And red with blushing, as thou art with sin;
Or wash thee in Christ's blood, which hath
this might,
That being red, it dyes red souls to white.
John Donne
Sometimes the Moon Cooperates
This month the moon hugged the horizon at the summer solstice
and made a suitable photographic subject for my Nikon.
Nancy drove me up Clyde Hill to try some shots, but without a
tripod and remote shutter release, I couldn't get the exposures
of moon and downtown buildings I would have liked.
July I hope to shoot downtown Bellevue from the Vuecrest
neighborhood just south of our lot with my
Nikon 18mm-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED II
AF-S DX wide angle lens.
I need to redesign my Bellevue1.com web site since
Bellevue has grown up. |
The Seattle Shakespeare Company Wowed Us with All's Well That
Ends Well
I paid for dinner at
the Center House for Annie's roommate Kristen and her boyfriend,
talkative Tyler, and for my own crew. This is the way I
like to 'brush up my Shakespeare'. The romantic drama of
Helena for her Bertram, and his eventual redemption brought
tears to my eyes. This was more than a comedy. It
was a message to husbands about appreciating the gift of the
wife God has given.
Must I be comforted, not in his sphere.
The ambition in my love thus plagues itself:
The hind that would be mated by the lion
Must die for love.
The knave
Parolles and Count Bertram.
Bertram and the worthy Helena.

Reading in June
The story of Gilgamesh is
"older" than Genesis, in that the story of this king of Uruk was
perhaps the earliest known hero story - or any story for
that matter. And its remarkable account of "The Flood"
(with its ark and animals and all) is amazing (and troubling).
I actually enjoyed the tale in all its repetition and simplicity
(and historically honest ribaldry.)
On the bus at
month's end I am reading another tale by Rafael Sabatini, The
Hounds of God. From a review:
"Disillusioned with the intrigue leading
up to the crowning of Queen Elizabeth I, Roger Trevanion, Earl
of Garth hides himself in his books and leaves his daughter,
Margaret to gain a sense of independence and self-reliance rare
in a woman of that era. After she is kidnapped by Don Pedro de
Mendoza y Luna, a shipwrecked Spanish captain she had
befriended, her would-be fiance Sir Gervase Crosby must fight
his way through the English and Spanish Courts and the
Inquisition to rescue her before her strength of spirit can run
Sabatini uses
intelligent dialog and great characterization -- but sometimes
so much that the plot slows to a crawl. This was published
in 1928. |

Graduation Gifts and Mom's Outing
Nathanael looks
great in the black suit and blue tie I bought him. I also
got him a
Canon PowerShot A590 IS 8.0MP digital camera. Nancy
will put together a special assortment of must-have items for
college as she did for Annie.
The week of UPC
Day Camp, Randy took Mom back to West Seattle and we got some
rest. I cooked a few nice dinners and we all dressed up
for one.
When Mom returned
on Saturday, June 28th, we learned that Randy had misunderstood
the instructions for her pills. He had given her double
doses for a full week. She seemed much diminished by the
experience but has made some improvement in her few days back in
Bellevue. |

Nathanael's Art was Featured at BCS
The picture at the
left is of Nate's "Chimera" which was displayed at the BCS
senior art show in the school library.
His "What I did Last
Summer" is at right.
Bits and Pieces...
I helped
Nathanael sign up with the NCAA Clearinghouse as he prepared
to join the SPU Cross Country team. The coach and team
have welcomed him.
- SPU still
says they want me and have set my 2008-09 salary at just
over $58,000.
- The
Saturday Men's Bible Study will continue in Luke 9 on
September 6th.
- At right
is (hopefully) a "before" photograph. I am trying
to exercise and get in shape by September.
- On June
20th Nate registered for SPU classes (after being out
all night at the BCS Graduation Party.) His
schedule got messed up, but the University Registrar,
Ruth Adams, is a particular friend of mine and I was
able to get Nate into Physics without also registering
him for Calculus which he should waive.
- Annie's
friend Tom Disher and his family from Oregon took an
Alaska cruise and Nancy and Annie took them to the ship
and picked them up and we watched over their car all
week. They are good people.
- The
doctors say they got all of dad's melanoma and his eye
surgery (first eye) went well. He claims he can
see again.
- We also
attended a wedding shower for shirt tail relatives
(through Bob & Rita Rutherford) in Hobart.
Badminton with my kids was the highlight of that outing.
starts with a physical exam (last one was in 2005).
I also have Jury Duty on
9-10, JB has a week of SPU Running Camp and Nate has the
Taproot Musical. Nancy will work on floors, and
Annie will pack for her trip to Spain.
] |