Designing with Microsoft Expression Web With this July 2008 journal entry I have begun the process of mastering the Microsoft Expression Web design software, a significant upgrade from Microsoft FrontPage. By using my journal as the field of battle for my studies, I'm hoping to accelerate my learning. I have training videos from In fact, I have online access to their entire set of training videos. (And July 9 and 10, while sitting in the Jury Assembly Room at the King County Courthouse, I've had ample time to kick off my summer technology training. As I type this it looks like, now for the fourth time, I will have escaped serving on a jury! Yeah!!!) |
● My weight at the end of July was all the way up to 205. This is not what the Dr. ordered. ● Erika Daligcon, the SPU Cross Country coach, has asked me to be the team photographer for the SPU Falcons. She was the coach of Seattle Academy in the Emerald City League. This raises a family crisis since the biggest local race is on September 20th at Lincoln Park. This is also the date of Katherine Kleespies' wedding in Maryland. I have not flown since before "911" and I have not wanted to. I know that Laurie will be disappointed if none of the Sleight's from the Seattle area attend the wedding. But Randy is caring for dad, Don is caring for Judy, and we are caring for mom. Leaving the week before school starts, with both Annie and Nathanael going off to college, is also difficult. ● I scheduled a colonoscopy and an eye doctor visit in coming weeks. ● Nancy has gotten glasses. These are the first that are not reading glasses. (I've always thought glasses looked good on girls.) ● Jeannie Beth and Nathanael served as models for this years BCS Art Camp, and were paid to sit still. ● I continued to share my graphic/tech talent to the No on I-1000 campaign. ● Jeannie Beth got her Driver's Permit! Yikes! ● I has a "no cavities" visit to my new dentist Dr. To. I enjoyed seeing the new digital X-rays. ● Tom Disher is staying with us for three weeks while he is taking a Japanese Class near SPU. We've been riding the bus in together. ● Books read in July: The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner (better than expected) and X-Men: The Return by Chris Roberson (complete escapism). Perhaps as balance I read some in Calvin's Institutes. ● I bought Nancy a Ryobi 10" Table Saw to help expedite her work on the living room oak floor. ● Annie flew off to Spain for the month of August.
My Quote from June Gilgamesh wept over Enkidu his friend, bitterly he wept through the wilderness. "Must I die too? Must I be as lifeless as Enkidu? How can I bear this sorrow that gnaws at my belly, this fear of death that restlessly drives me onward? If only I could find the one man whom the gods made immortal, I would ask him how to overcome death." GILGAMESH: A New English Version (First lines of Book IX) Stephen Mitchell