Ginger may be bed-bound and communicates little, yet when we took Nathanael's 30th birthday party into her room, she joined in singing "Happy Birthday to You." Susan, Nancy, Annie, and hospice workers turn, change, and feed her. Cousin Rob Hollis flew up from Walnut Creek, spending three weeks helping to care for his Aunt. His mother Dorothy was Bob Rutherford's oldest sister. Someday, Nancy and I may take him up on his standing offer to stay at his condo in Honolulu. |
![]() ![]() Charis was gleefully giddy with joyful shrieks when she was allowed to toddle outside on the big driveway at Susan's. Normally when she's outside, it's to get into the car or when she's confined to her stroller. In some ways, Charis is like Grandma Nancy. She's all go, go, go, until she hits the wall when sleep comes quickly. Jonathan is experimenting with a wide variety of solid foods now. It's an adventure watching his reactions to each new flavor and texture. He's very open with his culinary opinions! His face is very expressive. No amount of rocking got Jonathan to nap on my chest this month. He was more interested in tugging on my beard. The shot at the right shows him with his "Baby's First Christmas" ornament just a month late. |
I see Nathanael the least of our children. And his gift for listening rather than sharing means I often wonder what's going on with him and his family. I must have doted over him as he does over
Jonathan, but Nate arrived six months before I submitted the draft of
He and Cynthia have decisions to make about where to work and where to live next year. When Nancy and I rented in the University District in 1981, we paid $495 for a two bedroom apartment. That seemed so high for us that we started house hunting that first summer. Only God knew, at the time, that our family home would be found in Bellevue, to be purchased from long time friends of Nancy's family. |
Edgar Martinez, nicknamed "Gar" and
"Papi", is the former Major League Baseball designated hitter and third
baseman who played exclusively for the Seattle Mariners. Martinez was a
seven-time MLB All-Star, five-time Silver Slugger, and two-time batting
champion. |
Bits and Pieces
In a related "brother" item, Nancy found Randy's "lost" keys in our basement. He and I spent much of the 26th having a breakfast I prepared, watching Avengers: Infinity War (he doesn't have a TV of his own), and helping him with his new laptop Don, Laurie, and I got him as a retirement present. He retires from Snohomish County on March 1.
My Quote from January
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