On the 5th, I shared my birthday party with Nathanael's at the Sleight/Eby home in Auburn. Again for me it was a fun few hours with my grandchildren. Reuben showed the most change in his obedient and newly warm disposition. And Galen is growing so fast. Jean's cake was again amazing.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The truth for me about turning 67 is that I am slowing down. I typically have to get up at night a few times. And getting back to sleep after 4:00 AM has been difficult recently. I take the stairs slowly. Muscle aches are common. Much of that may be due to the meager temporary bed I sleep on in the basement. It could also be from the fact that I don't recuperate quickly after a few hours of strenuous yard work. I have developed a "trigger finger," the middle finger of my right hand. From the Mayo clinic, "Trigger finger is also known as stenosing tenosynovitis. It occurs when inflammation narrows the space within the sheath that surrounds the tendon in the affected finger. If trigger finger is severe, your finger may become locked in a bent position." This month, I discovered that it was physically uncomfortable writing checks. Brain fog may be due to poor sleep habits since
I wake up tired instead of refreshed. If Nancy gives me two jobs
to do, I often do the second and forget the first until reminded.
But there are benefits to aging that outweigh the onset of ailments; like holding a sleeping one-year-old (Valerie) in my arms for an hour in my rocking chair. At those moments, life is all good. Speaking of Valerie, Annie and I have decided that she looks like Jeannie Beth at that age. Charis looks more like Annie did. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Our regular schedule for weekdays has proven successful. Thomas gets the girls up and gets them their breakfast. Then, usually around 9:45 AM, I take charge of Charis and Valerie. My phone alarm goes off at 11:50 AM to remind me to take a pill before lunch. Then I feed the girls and make lunch for Thomas, Nancy, and myself. Around 12:45 PM, I call Thomas and Nancy to lunch and then Thomas takes charge of his girls until Annie gets home from work. The afternoons are often when I get my garden prep work done. Around 3:00 PM, I sometimes have Charis as a helper while Valerie takes a nap. Either Annie or I, or both, make dinner and then I have time for other tasks in the evening after 7:00 PM. On the 25th, the girls and I baked cookies for Annie to take to Seattle Christian School on her birthday. I was challenged to put my Toll House chocolate chip cookies up against those of a colleague at her school, but this batch was not my best work. Too much flour. However, Annie said they were greatly appreciated by the teachers and staff. |
On the 19th, Annie and I took the girls to visit the Pastricks in Lake Stevens. Annie helped clean their house while I played with the kids. I learned from a book I read to Charis and Rowan that a "grandpa hug" involved turning the grandchild upside down. Indeed, that's how I've been "hugging" my grandkids all along. We returned for a few hours the next Saturday. I got my first chance to hold Vivienne. I helped Corvin with his lunch as he ate it with his fingers, his impaired vision making it hard for him to find his food. And I played with the kids while Annie again helped them clean their home. Caring for their three special-needs kids has taken a toll on this couple. Before I left, I had a chance to give my take on their questions related to the Genesis creation story and evolution. I explained that God's story to Moses gave the best true account He could, with the understanding that they completely lacked any basic scientific knowledge or vocabulary. God gave Moses the children's sermon on creation. |
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A Brief Cold Snap Tuesday morning following the President's Day holiday, I was surprised to wake up to a light dusting of snow. This put garden work on hold. Night-time temperatures were not above freezing all that week. I'm pleased that I've built up my firewood supply during my recent yard cleanup with chainsaw and axe. There's something about a fire in the woodstove that lifts my recently low spirits. Rain, and a long stretch of it, returned on the 26th. |
A Big Birthday Party for Annie and Georgia The clan descended on our house on Sunday the 27th for Annie's and church friend Georgia Kumar's birthday party. They both share the 28th as their birthdate. This could be called our first post-COVID gathering of the clan since COVID mask restrictions are being lifted widely. Susan and Julie joined all our kids and grandkids, and Randy even joined via Zoom just after the cake was served. Annie baked a Charis-approved pink heart shaped layer cake and Jean brought one from COSTCO. Julie's cherry pie was intended as one of the gifts for Annie. As with any family gathering, the grandkids turned it into a three ring play date. I sat with Reuben, Jonny, and Charis at the little kids table, and played with them in the Great Room. I remarked that by Easter we should be able to sit everyone more easily by adding a second dining table and extending the dining room into the soon-to-be-finished library. Before the party, Nancy and I made major progress on cleaning the living room. And before they left, Nathanael and Joel helped move the big teak bookcase from the library to the closet of the Great Room. |
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Our annual visit to a Everett Silvertips hockey game got moved from January to February 4th due to players from the Kelowna Rockets testing positive for COVID. I attended with Randy while Don stayed home this time to care for Judy. The Silvertips ended the Rockets nine game win streak with a great 6-2 victory.
As I watched the start of the war in Ukraine, I'm thinking more and more of my farming efforts as a Victory garden.
Bluey is an Australian cartoon series that we all enjoy on Disney+. This cartoon is about a family of Blue Heeler dogs (Austrailian Cattle dogs), but they live and behave like normal people. Bandit and Chilli are the parents of daughters Bluey and her little sister Bingo. We love this happy cartoon family. |
My Quote from February
Irish Wisdom:
Do not resent
growing old, many are denied the privilege.
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