On Wednesday, December 14, Nate drove me down to Beaverton, Oregon. Our original plan was to be away from Bellevue around 9:00 AM, but we didn't leave Nathanael's apartment in Renton until 1:00 in the afternoon. Alas, this was the afternoon when a snow storm hit northern Oregon just before the start of the Portland rush hour. We first hit light snow at Castle Rock then we
plunged into the storm front at Kelso.
The next day, Thursday, Nathanael drove over to be with Cynthia and I happily stayed at the Pepper Tree Motel to watch the Seahawks clinch the NFC Western Division championship with a 24-3 win over the L. A. Rams. After the game, Nate and I drove to the Portland airport and picked up Nathan Hawkins, Nate's best man. Nathan had been one of Nate's roommates, and also stayed at our house for three months in autumn 2012.
The wedding itself went relatively smoothly. And the denominational distinctives of a Roman Catholic service were not significant. Jesus was rightly honored. "A marriage is like a three-ring circus. First comes the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, and then the suffer-ring . . ." Ice and the cold temperatures forced the reception to be moved from a private estate to the activity center (gym) of the church. This move certainly made the post-ceremony time both less formal and much more convenient.
I had fun chatting with the wedding photographer, a Nikon man, and by doing so, missed the Nathanael and Cynthia's departure to their honeymoon in Seaside, OR. Some of these photos are his or mine, with the one at the left taken by Annie.
A text from Nathanael said they got to their Seaside condo, so all was well on that front, the snowy weather having not ended in that part of Oregon. On Sunday, Susan picked us up at 10:00 AM and we were home by 1:00 PM. Susan drove the first half of the trip and Jeannie Beth did a great job driving the second half. Annie and Thomas continued south to spend Christmas in Dallas, OR with Bob and Kim Disher. Now that the event of the year has passed, we have one week to get ready for Christmas! |
December Dancing then Work in January Jean danced nightly at Bellevue Square's Snowflake Lane until Christmas Eve, with nights off to serve as Cynthia's maid of honor. On the 20th, Jean also got the news about the job at Bellevue Presbyterian. She texted me, "I got the job!" She starts as the Prayer & Care Administrative Assistant, working 20 hours/week, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Monday through Thursday. At the wedding, I introduced her to Steve White (whom she knew very well already) as her boss. This is because my best friend Steve is also the Elder in charge of the Prayer and Care department. Jean is excited to now have a day job to compliment her acting vocation.
I got Jean this Mermaid tail quilt for her birthday on the 9th, number 24. She sits on the sofa by the TV in the family room, often with Diana her cat, and always with her Lenovo laptop. I'd pictured her with it there, but she keeps the tail upstairs to protect it from the cats. She has already been cast in three plays in 2017 with The Fern Shakespeare Company. These will be The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged), followed by Macbeth in the spring and The Tempest in the fall.
Christmas began after the wedding. These photos of Ginger were taken at the annual family Christmas party at Don and Judy's on the 23rd. Jean chopped down the True Fir "Charlie Brown" tree from our yard (pictured below), and my shopping, modest this year, concluded on the 24th. With church on the 25th, Christmas presents waited until the evening. We had a family lunch at Susan's in the afternoon. Susan cooked the ham and Jean, Nancy, and I prepared the rest and drove it up.
We stopped for lunch at the Red Robin in Salem with Annie and Thomas, his brother Tim and his bride Grace (both in Ph.D. programs in Florida), and parents Bob and Kim Disher.
Santa 'brought' Randy's stocking to our house and we delivered it to him at Susan's. Here's our tiny tree chopped down and decorated on the 24th, and Nancy posing with Susan's tree. |
Bits and Pieces
♦ Seventeen years ago, I bought a Samsung 61" DLP TV for the business school conference room. On "Cyber Monday," the dean asked me to get a new TV to replace it, something I had asked for from prior deans. I got this Samsung 70" 4K model for $1250. It arrived during our school Christmas party (with free shipping from COSTCO). The next week the price was $400 higher. Once again, the faculty and staff are happy with my shopping. ♦ I was quite disappointed with my autumn students, 28% of whom did not pass the exam, more than twice my 2015-16 rate of 13%.
The Seahawks again won the NFC West title, the 3rd-to-last game of the season on Thursday Night Football against the L.A. Rams, wearing special "Action Green" uniforms. ♦ I volunteered to give the devotions at the Faculty Senate meeting on February 2. Now that's intimidating. ♦ For years, I've had a bad feeling about 2017. And now it's here.
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