Don and Judy had 29 of us at the annual Sleight Christmas party. But the guests of honor, Katherine and Adam Kidwell, living in Seattle, were not there. Katherine was not feeling well. And no wonder — she went into labor the next night and delivered Zachary Andrew Kidwell by C section at 11:40 a.m. on Tuesday the 23rd. Baby Zack arrived at 6 lbs. 10 oz. and 19", with blue eyes and a good appetite. So twin sister Laurie is a grandmother now. Happy times. As for the Christmas Party, it was the first time we had a chance to meet the now grown up Patrick Kleespies and his fiancée Rachel. I was surprised to see how like his father Patrick had become in both his looks and his speech. Rachel seems very nice. ![]() ![]() I don't consider myself a gun "collector." That's an expensive hobby. But owning a dozen firearms without taking the opportunity to shoot some of them can weigh on one. I've been to the three local gun shops in Bellevue, but never to shoot. So after my annual cookie baking marathon on the 18th, I took my one Christmas shopping day on the 19th to stop in at the closest gun shop with a range, Wade's on Bell-Red Rd.
Following a day on my feet baking with another one shopping and shooting, and my muscles were sore on day three. We held a party for Jeannie Beth, and her uncle Randy happened to stop by. Randy and I joined the rest of the family up at Susan's where we had another COSTCO cake. I got Jeannie Beth two Megan Whalen Turner books in The Thief series. For Christmas she got the other two editions. She was delighted, and I was happy to find all four in hardcover, used, but in good condition. She continues to go to physical therapy following her summer ACL surgery. She was happy with her "all A" grade quarter, even if two of the As were of the A- variety. And her incomplete grades from winter quarter, due to her ski accident, were finished and received good grades. "Communication Manager?" Joseph Williams invited me in for an "annual review" on December 5th. But it was not like any review I'd had before. There were no real kudos, nor any constructive criticism either. Joseph had two main points to make. First, he didn't believe that he needed a "Technology Manager," but did need a "Communication Manager." A meeting on January 13th will explore this further. He also proposed teaching changes in the Spreadsheets area, but these changes could not become reality until September 2016. On Christmas Eve we took the initiative to pay a visit to our newest neighbors, kitty-corner northwest of us at the newest house on our block. Miladin (from Montenegro) and Kelly (from China) have a third grade son Maksim who attends Medina Elementary. They lived in Sammamish before moving here. He worked for Microsoft but now works for Facebook in Seattle. She works for a tech startup also in Seattle on Eastlake. They had heard about the good schools in Bellevue and wanted to move closer to Seattle. Their employment status explains how they can afford their multi-million dollar new home. No doubt the sale of their former home helped. It was amazing to see how they warmed to visitors who dropped in on them out of the blue. We'd see them sitting in their dining room with the lights off in the rest of the big house. They seemed lonely. But they warmed to us immediately. Nathanael, Jean, Nancy and I all went over together with a Christmas photo of our family (see below). We also included a house warming gift of Liberty Orchards candy. My family are not drinkers, but I sure enjoyed three shots of their Serbian Plum Brandy and glasses of red wine. How was I to know they would just refill any glass I emptied? It reminded me of Mr. Martini in It's a Wonderful Life. What a wonderful thing to get off on the right foot with new neighbors. |
Here's how the NFL regular season ended for the Seattle Seahawks. 11/23 Arizona 3 @ Seahawks 19 |
Most of Christmas day was spent at Susan's house. Nancy managed to clean up enough of our living room to find room, not for a tree, but for a branch Nathanael found outside in the yard! We opened a few presents at home but had already delivered the bulk of our gifts to Susan's house. It took some of the holiday pressure off us. Alas, I long to one day have the full holiday experience in a clean and finished home. At the same time, it was nice to spend Christmas day with the whole family, including Annie and Thomas. I had Randy take this photo (left) at Don and Judy's house and Susan used it for her Christmas photo. I got her 100 free copies with one of my COSTCO coupons. Randy also joined us at Susan's on the 25th. |
Bits and Pieces ♦ My weight on December 31st is 181.5. ♦ Randy plans to stay at Cascadian Place in Everett, but at the start of January he will move up one floor to a one-bedroom apartment. Nancy, Nathanael, and I will again help him move. ♦ The Saturday men will resume our study at Ezra 8 in January. |
My Quote from December Psalm 128 How blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, Who walks in His ways. 2 When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, You will be happy and it will be well with you. 3 Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine Within your house, Your children like olive plants Around your table. 4 Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed Who fears the LORD. 5 The LORD bless you from Zion, And may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life. 6 Indeed, may you see your children's children. Peace be upon Israel! |
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