I met Bob Swenson in 1981. He was a pillar in the church then and has been ever since. He is the last of the members of the Saturday Men's Bible Study from before I joined as a regular in 1989. For many years, he has been the first to arrive and prepare our continental breakfast each Saturday. He is a servant's servant. He was a Sunday school teacher to my kids, and when I broke my leg, he came to the house each Saturday and took me in my wheelchair to church. So maybe I shouldn't have been surprised when this story hit all the local papers this month. ← Photo by Ned Freer Originally published August 16, 2013 ‘Flying coffin’ glider pilot from WWII gets
overdue Bronze Star Little known are the 6,000 World War II glider
pilots who were towed into combat zones, in a one-way flight to drop off
soldiers and supplies. Bob Swenson, 90, of Bellevue, finally is getting
an overdue Bronze Star medal for his heroism. By
Erik Lacitis, Seattle Times staff reporter
![]() ![]() Nancy at 58 Annie treated Nancy to a visit to the Experience Music Project and we enjoyed her birthday dinner at Susan's. (I got her a replacement alarm system for the driveway.) The old one had stopped working. We helped Susan move some furniture. She had gotten her floors refinished. This photo is of the new, nearly finished remodel of her living room. Both Annie and I remarked that what Susan had chosen was what the original builder should have done. Jeannie Beth baked the cake this year. This summer she has been our resident experimental chef. |
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On August 31, JB flew from SeaTac to Toronto and on to Edinburgh. She is with an SPU study-abroad group. She says she was especially interested in this trip because we so identify with the Scottish branches of our family heritage. She is expected back on September 23rd.
JB took my new Lenovo 7" tablet and she practiced using it with Skype. On the day she flew out, Nathanael and I went for a warm afternoon walk to BECU and then the Sports Authority store to buy him a weight belt. When we called home, Annie and Nancy told us to keep walking to the Home Depot store, two more miles east. We met them there and shopped for a few hours. We got 40 cement blocks to shore up around the bridge. I got more potting soil so I can transplant my tomatos so we can bring five pots indoors later in the year. I also got a large lockable box into which I have put four of my five handguns and related gun cleaning gear and other firearms items. If and when grandchildren arrive, I plan to lock up all my guns.
After a few years of great hopes and many plants planted each spring, but meager results, I planted in a new gardend I carved out in the south yard. Althought I planted Early Girl and Abe Lincoln heirloom tomatos at the same time, only the Early Girl variety (left) is tall and bearing fruit. The other variety (right) is still just a shoot. I'll be transplanting the latter into pots with the hope that they will catch up before the first frost, or get moved into the living room. I think I'll try to add green onions in the pots because they don't grow high, and I can harvest them as needed for my salads. I see my first large tomato will be ripe enough to enjoy on Labor Day. |
Nathanael Interviews for a Job Before our vacation, Nathanael filled out a few job applications for positions assisting in the Bellevue School District. Upon our return, he got some interview invitations. These continued, and he eventually got seven interviews — at a middle school and six different elementary schools. His last interview was on the 30th, so no news by the start of school does not leave him without hope. Only one rejection of the seven opportunities has been received. He was also invited to get first aid training at Bellevue Christian School with the possibility that he might help with the Junior High Cross Country team. There he met Pete De La Rosa, the BCS wrestling coach, who offered him, on the spot, an assistant coaching position. Of course, we have lots of work for Nathanael if nothing else is offered to him. |
Bits and Pieces ♦ The Cougs had a tough close game in their 2013 opener with a 31-24 loss at Auburn. The Huskies, on the other hand, faced 19th ranked Boise State and crushed them 38-6. Couple this with four pre-season wins by the Seahawks, and it is beginning to look like a great football season is in store for us. ♦ On September 30th, I return to the classroom. My Labor Day holiday and most of September will be spent in preparation for BUS 2700 Statistics for Business and Economics. ♦ Bible study starts on September 7th with an interesting 107th Psalm. ♦ I've gottem my weight down to 188.5. I need to lose more before my late September check up. My Quote from August “In essence,
Christianity is Christ. Who Christ is and what he has done are the rock
upon which the Christian religion is built. If he is not who he said he
was, and if he did not do what he said he had come to do, then the
foundation is undermined and the whole thing will collapse.”
John Stott, Basic
Christianity |
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