Summer Vacation in Bellevue
5th through August 20th I took vacation.
But Nancy and the kids had each day scheduled with household
duties, outings, games, and toward the end, dog sitting.
At least this time we made real progress on the house
construction by following a daily plan. Nathanael seemed to win
all the board games we played.

watched the Blue Angles fly over our house as they always do
during Seafair week.
The main goal of the vacation time was to make progress on
Annie's attic bedroom (now that she's going off to college!)
The room got painted a very, very light purple. The floor
was prepared for vinyl, and we not only got the floor finished
but we used two ropes and four pulleys to "sway up" all her furniture.
I insisted on tying the knots. Nancy
was at a loss to know how we would get the heavy rolls of vinyl
up to that room. I said we should just send it through the
large unfinished interior window in the "gym" and across to the
attic landing.
Who do you know that has a 14 foot diameter trampoline on their
second floor? Ours was vertical in the picture below so
Nancy could use the floor to carefully cut the vinyl.
After the success of Annie's room, Nancy and Annie decided to
begin working on the floor in Jeannie's room while she was away
at camp Firwood. At the close of August they are still
working on the plywood sub floor and Jeannie has picked out the
shade of light green she wants to paint her own room, and the
dark green accent color.
Also during these vacation weeks, Nancy turned 51. And
what did her husband of 25 years get her? An early warning
infrared motion detector. One night in August, about
4:30AM, someone tried to open our family room door! Nancy
got up in time to see a car turn around in the cul-de-sac.
So now we leave more yard lights on, wire closed the "people
gate" at night, and Nancy and I installed her present. If
a person walks into out yard (day or night) an audible alarm
goes off in our master bedroom. I am quite prepared to use
deadly force to defend my family. I admit
that I considered Nancy's looks at 25 and imagined what she'd
look like in later years. She looks great. Susan
baked the cake and wrote "51" in blueberries.
The other big part of my vacation was taking care of Sadie, the
Smith's Golden Retriever. For two weeks I read with her in
our yard, took her for walks, and fed her. She'd be wildly
frisky for a while but then she'd calm down. I got more
kisses from Sadie in two weeks than I've gotten from Nancy in .
. .!


The Sleight cabin on Lake
Cavanaugh is due north of the big island at the west end
of the lake. I rowed east around the point of the
cove to shoot the mountains beyond the east end of the
A Day at Lake
Saturday the 26th, Don and Judy invited us all to
their cabin on the shores of Lake Cavanaugh, northeast
of Arlington. It was something of a family reunion
with my sister Laurie and her husband Tom Kleespies
visiting from Maryland. My mom and dad and Randy were
there, as were Debbie and Lance Ellis with "Timothy
Albert" (due in September). Ginger and Susan
Rutherford even stopped by. Some sailed, rowed,
canoed, swam, or wind surfed, and all ate. Their
cabin was inherited from Judy's parents. It has been a
summer gathering place for different combinations of
Sleight's and others for many years.[LEFT]
Sister Laurie wind surfs in light air. I gave up
this sport after my second try years ago. Balance is a
gift. Nathanael paddled the Hobie Cat sailboat back [RIGHT]
with Susan at the tiller when the wind failed. It
is much waterlogged since Nancy and I sailed it before
we had kids.

Sable (Don's elderly
dog) and Grandma Jean
sat across from each other in complementary poses.

Mom moves very slowly now (when she moves
at all.) Yet she remains cheerful and loved seeing
all four of her kids together. |

Randy the golfer. |

Laurie and Nancy, High School friends

Annie took over as photographer when I took
to the water. Another 90 degrees and I'd have done
a full forward summersault. I made a good splash though
and it sure made me dizzy!

Laurie knew Ginger Rutherford long
before I did.

I can't do much about the thinning
hair but I continue to have hope that
the big belly will shrink one of these months.
Note the right eye squint -- a permanent trait for
me in bright light.
Debbie is the center of attention with Timothy due
in a few weeks. Lance and Debbie married last
summer and at their age wanted to waste no time in
starting a bigger family. |

My crew are very photogenic. I though it would
take them an hour to paddle out and around the island.
They got to it in five minutes.
We have a canoe and two kayaks ourselves but hardly
ever get the canoe out and have yet to get the former
SPU owned kayaks into the water. They remain
affixed to the rafters of our huge garage.
At SPU, Computers Dominate the Month
Early in the month I prepared the three-year-old computers for sale to
faculty and staff. At the end of the month I receive and set up eight new systems for
the lab. On the 30th I took my annual trip to Fry's in
Renton and to the Boeing Surplus Store in Kent. Among the usual
odds and ends, I got an oak computer desk that's now in my SBE
continued to study for the MCDST exams and to update my BUS 1700 Spreadsheets
course (which Annie will be taking at 10:30AM on Tuesdays this
coming quarter.)
Quote from July: My quote last
month was prompted by the July 12th to August 14th war in
Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah -- fought to a draw I
for us means the destruction of Israel. We
are preparing for an all-out war, a war
which will last for generations.
-- Yasser Arafat
forces saved the remnants of the Jewish
people of Europe for a new life and a new
hope in the reborn land of Israel. Along
with all men of good will, I salute the
young state and wish it well.
-- Dwight D.
Which of these men spoke for you? I like
One cannot be neutral on Israel. |